Thursday, February 17, 2011

Love. Rant.

It is so interesting to me that saying something as simple as "you have purpose" gives people the impression that you are a  hardcore, bible thumping, born again, honk-if-you-love-Jesus type of person. Instant label. Instant misunderstanding. Instant loss of credibility. An encouraging, uplifting comment is more readily interpreted as irrelevant garbage. Why is that? And why is it that because you are labeled as such, you are also the same as every other "christian" out there, and associated with everything bad about christianity. I wish when someone spoke about how blessed they are, or how thankful they are for the gifts they've been given, or their faith in the idea that life is just and fair, that others were intrigued rather than turned off.  I wish it was more comprehensible that a person doesn't drink, not out of guilt or commitment to God or anything of the sorts, but simply because they don't enjoy it, or that they want to preserve and value their body and their health. That someone might actually get enough enjoyment out of reality and want to fully, coherently, experience every moment of it. I digress.

Here's the thing. I believe in the type of love that is so great it must come from a force greater than us. I believe that morality and justice, compassion, kindness, generosity, and everything that is good, comes from something greater than us. We live our lives however we want, we make our own choices, and we choose whether to live a life of love or not, but the reason we have the option is because God exists. God is love. God is good. God gives us the ability to feel happy, and share happiness with others, to feel joy, to feel pleasure, and to see beauty. I know these things come from something greater than myself because I cannot create them nor can I explain them. These are the things in life that are so overwhelmingly powerful and transformative that nothing and no one of this earth could have possibly fabricated them. 

There is hate and evil, and there is love and goodness, I have experienced both, and I have chosen the latter. I believe that everything that is good comes through us as an energy, a force, a being... and I call it God. So call that what you want. I call it common sense.

"Where love is, there God is also."  -Mohandas Gandhi

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