Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Welcome back.

I have been motivated today. I don't know what did it, but something lit a fire in me today. My anxiety is still a daily struggle, but I'm not giving up. I haven't started taking medication yet because I know how strong I am..... and I CAN beat this beast. It will take a while, it will be painful, it will be exhausting, and there may be many tears and panic attacks through it all... but it will be worth it. I can do it.

On top of that I have set some goals for my summer. I've been feeling pretty dull lately and it's time to get my sparkle back. Plans for July: 

1. soak up some of the wonderful sunshine we're soon to be blessed with. aka... get a tan already!

2. get my root canal done so that I can start my invisalign treatment and feel better about my once gorgeous smile.

3. order some muscle milk and get back into the gym groove! 

4. start ballet classes again to wake up my poor neglected muscles.

5. Catch up on my reading. I've got a whole stack of knowledge to plow through before Summer's over. 

I'll be feeling back to my sexy self in about 4 weeks. I'm stoked....

Hello Summer. Hello Jenny. I've missed you both.