Thursday, May 21, 2009

Keep on Keepin' on...

I haven't posted here in a while. I've been busy lately.... in a good way though. For one, I'm working as many hours as my work will allow so that I can afford all of my new expenses. Shopping?? Traveling?? hahaha -- definitely not. I get to spend my extra money on health and dental insurance, copays for therapy sessions, root canals, and making payments on my student loans. Gosh I love being an adult! I can't complain too much though because things, overall, have gotten better in my life lately. 

My psychiatrist explained to me that I am, indeed, suffering from air hunger, which is stemming from anxiety. Although it is still hard to convince myself that I'm actually creating my breathing problem, it makes me feel a little better that there is a specific label for my symptoms. Also, my therapist taught me some really cool exercises to fight anxiety and they seem to be working.... most of the time ("works 60% of the time, all the time"-- name that movie).  AND on top all that, it looks like I am going to be able to have iv sedation and sleep my way through my dental procedures. The down side-- it's going to cost an arm and a leg-- but its worth it for my sanity. I can make payments :)

I don't think anyone is actually reading my blog, but I will continue to write. Someone is bound to stumble upon it, and I like sharing my opinions and feelings for anyone who cares to hear them.

1 comment:

  1. You should keep writing it! I began mine in August only had the lovely loyal Allie who you too have(Allie and I go to CSUCI together)i shut it down late September and recently started it back up again. It is tough to keep up when you think no one reads it but then again it's kinda cool that no one reads it. I still haven't gained much of a following but I think it is fun and hope you do as well, I like your Blog.
